Baguazhang: Eight Attacks of the Lion by Kevin Wikse.

 Lion Baguazhang Kevin Wikse

"Eight Attacks of the Lion" is a highly productive and result-producing beginner's set of Vimana Vajra Baguazhang, which amasses and hones an impressive arsenal of martial weapons while establishing a solid foundation for more advanced Baguazhang sets. Eight Attacks of the Lion is extremely "Yang" in nature, assuming the shape of the I-Ching's "Heaven" trigram or "Lion" mind and body. 

Highly versatile and comprised of eight minimalist and spartan "turnarounds," Eight Attacks of the Lion can be applied to circle walking or performed as line drills. Each "turnaround" is direct and simplistic, focused nearly exclusively on attacking and offensive strategies common to the "Lion." Each attack is meant to be drilled and repeated ad nausea. The footwork of the lion is heavy and springy, with stabbing and sything actions for stepping. 

The Eight Attack of the Lion

  1. Pounce/Leap
  2. Penetrating.
  3. Pounding.
  4. Cutting.
  5. Slicing.
  6. Smashing.
  7. Crushing.
  8. Piercing. 

Eight Attacks of the Lion integrates bold action and fearlessness in the practitioner as well as total body strength, internal and external, greater endurance, and practical body durability, which fortifies the mind, spirit, and body while weaponizing and unifying the individual's many bodies (physical and non-physical) for the potential of combat. 

-Kevin Wikse

Vimana Vajra Baguazhang


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