Baguazhang: The Eight Attack of the Bear by Kevin Wikse.

Kevin Wikse Vimana Vajra Baguazhang Bear

The "Eight Attacks of the Bear" is an intermediate set of Vimana Varja Baguazhang, which develops full-body shocking and jarring effects through explosive short-power attacks, jamming, and sudden redirection of forces. Building off the unrelenting and primarily linear-based attacks of Lion's pure yang energy, the Eight Attacks of the Bear introduces attacks of heavy, sinking, and collapsing yin-style power paired with a yang mindset and attitude. 

Bear expresses Gen, or the Mountain gua, of the I-Ching. The Eight Attacks of the Bear set teaches heavy-handed offense and defense methods. Bear seeks to concuss and rattle the attacker with careening shots from jagged upward and downward angles. Other tactics include jamming the opponent's attacks by aggressively occupying their space, projecting them backward with braced force as a bird crashes into a window, and a defense that redirects attacks but also sucks energy in, pulverizes it like a woodchipper. 

The Eight Attacks of the Bear is a natural progression from any beginner-level set. Adding a measure complexity with skills like redirection and utilizing the whole body for explosive short power. Bear also teaches rooting and sinking to crush or collapse into an opponent, smothering or disrupting them.

The Eight Attacks of the Bear can be applied to circle walking or performed as line drills. Each "turnaround" is rooted and powerful, exceptionally suited for counter-attacking and offensively-minded defense. Each attack is meant to be drilled and repeated ad nauseam. The footwork of the Bear is heavy and sinking, with rolling and crushing actions for stepping. 

Eight Attacks of the Bear

  1. Halting.
  2. Rolling downward.
  3. Turning the Back.
  4. Meteor Shatters the Earth.
  5. Projecting.
  6. Warding away.
  7. Swatting.
  8. Avalancing. 

Eight Attacks of the Bear emphasizes the qualities of endurance and holding one's space. Becoming firmly rooted in core beliefs and not easily bullied or swayed physically or ideologically. A Mountain doesn't attack but instead responds to attempts at conquering it. Performing the Eight Attacks of the Bear requires the individual to relax into their own being and sink into the essence of who they authentically are, collapsing false and outdated modalities. From this, true inner strength and proper alignment will naturally occur.

Regular practice of this set strengthens the entire body, exercising the fascia, tendons, and connective tissues while loosening the neck, shoulders, spine, and hips. Bear energy cultivates a sense of inner calm, allowing you to maintain your composure and make calculated decisions even when chaos surrounds you.  

-Kevin Wikse

Vimana Vajra Baguazhang


  1. Do the tactics of the animal forms still apply to Xingyi?

    1. Yes, however, they differ from Xingi to Bagua in both energy and expression, in part at least. Most of the linear/line drill is 7-star stepping (zig-zag) of my Bagua looks a lot like Xingyi practice. Baguazhang really is walking in a straight line around a circle, and then moving in circles along a straight line. Xingyi is cutting those razor-thin linear attack angles that can spider web out or look like traveled lines of broken glass.

      Baguazhang's animal shapes tend to have more attacking methods, whereas Xingi has more specialized and fewer. This means that Dragon, Bear, Rooster, Pheonix, and Snake (the five animals that commonly overlap in Bagua and Xingyi) will probably share similar attacking methods and tactics.

      Bagua will have a wider array but Xingi will be more focused.


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