
Showing posts from May, 2023

Monkey Kung Fu: Tall Monkey by Kevin Wikse.

I must present some context and a disclaimer to frame this fascinating topic correctly. I first learned the Tall Monkey style (including the Stone Monkey and Lost Monkey styles) of Tai Shing Pek War from a student of Sifu Paulie Zink, my Sifu James Zimmerman, or as I affectionately called him, Mr. Z, in 1993 or 1994. I referred to it as Monkey Kung Fu or Shaolin Monkey Kung Fu; later, I learned that Tai Shing Pek War was its own system, a relatively recent creation, utilizing monkey-themed boxing.  Recently, a Sifu began online instruction in Tai Shing Pek War. I subscribed to his main course. I immediately recognized his high-level skill and power in the applications he demonstrated. After 30 years of practicing what I was most attracted to in the Tall Monkey style (Stone and Lost Monkey, too), I wanted to see what I had possibly forgotten. So far, I am incredibly pleased.  Certain vital elements of the Monkey styles I had previously learned exist that I was never taught or w...